Selling our beautiful Danbury camper in fantastic fully restored condition. Had lots of new panels and new mechanical parts then benefited from a bare metal respray in blue and cream. Wheels rwstored same colour as roof and new tyres. Registered in 1980 but was one of the last of production line in 1979. Comes with pop top and is right hand drive registered in the uk as a camper. Has all new re upholstered interior including a brand new full width rock and roll bed. Oak vinyl flooring. Runs great with serviced 1600 engine. Folder with lots of paperwork. Dry stored and owned for 10 years after we bought from a local friend. Lots of pictures of restoration available. Registered as a historical vehicle so benefits from tax and mot free. Just needs a kitchen pod to complete to make it your own. New fuel lines and lots of other parts were fitted like brakes cv joints etc.
two hammocks are available and roof rack is included. 5 seat belts, 2 in front 3 in back. Proper old school Danbury camper van in fantastic fully restored condition. Benefits from a full respray. No Rot whatsoever as it had lots of new panels etc. Open to offers