UK registered Suzuki GT250M
I am the 3rd owner, it would appear that the last owner may have stored the bike in 1980 and I took ownership in 2015.
Subjected to a full strip down. Power coated frame (Elite, Aintree). Rebuilt engine, rebore (+1mm) and fully reconditioned crank by Grampian Motors, Vapour blasted cases, zinc plated fastenings and rebuilt carbs (Fastline, Leyland) New regulator/ rectifier (Rex’s Speed Shop). Many other new parts were fitted eg battery, brake pads, tyres etc
Mudguards are excellent for age as is most of the chrome work, the wheels are excellent and original.
The not so good bits…Seat base is good, but seat cover has a few “nicks”. Tank is good, but has a few minor dents, dings and some scratches (look at photos carefully to see). The left hand silencer is dented on the down pipe, and there is slight damage to one of the fins on the left hand cylinder - again see photos
The bike starts and runs really well, and is “running in” at the moment - the engine is lovely, smooth and quiet.
I don’t think you will find better for the money, and the price reflects today’s market. There’s a full file on the rebuild history and lots of photos too.