Original Spanish car. Zero rust.
MY 2008 (Restyling version)
First paint.
Full history in BMW.
New clucth and Rod bearings replaced very recently, invoices available.
New inspection 03/ 2025
BMW // M youngtimer , with clear Future as collector item.
VIN Decoder:
VIN B780537
Prod. Date 2008-04-24
Type M6
Series E63 (M Series)
Body Type Coupe
Engine S85
Colour black-sapphire metallic
Upholstery Leather, "Merino"/ sepang-bronze, light
S423 Floor mats velours
S430 Interior/ outside mirror with auto dip
S431 Interior mirror with automatic-dip
S441 Smoker package
S459 Seat adjustment, electric, with memory
S488 Lumbar support, driver and passenger
S494 Seat heating driver/ passenger
S4ML Interior strips, piano lacquer, black
S609 Navigation system Professional
S610 Head-up display
S620 Voice control
S644 Preparation f mobile phone w Bluetooth
S677 HiFi system Professional DSP
S698 Area-Code 2 for DVD
S502 Headlight cleaning system
S508 Park Distance Control (PDC)
S522 Xenon Light
S524 Adaptive Headlights
S534 Automatic air conditioning
S540 Cruise control
S548 Kilometre speedo
S563 Light package
S5AC High-beam assistant
S5DA Passenger airbag deactivation
S2PA Locking wheel bolt
Environment and safety
S302 Alarm system
S856 Language version, Spanish
S863 Dealer List Europe
S883 On-board literature, Spanish
S8SA Navigation access request, country-spec.
S8SP Control unit COP
Individual equipment
S760 High gloss shadow line
S1CA Selection of COP-relevant vehicles
S1CB CO2 equipment
S928 Tyre control
SA090 90 Ah AGM battery