LAST AUSTIN GIPSY BUILT !!!!! LAST AUSTIN GIPSY MAKED!!!!!!! Austin Gipsy, when Btitish Leyland acquired all the most important English marques they found both Land Rover and Austin Gipsy in production and given the production costs they decided to keep the Land Rover and suspended production of the Gipsy. This is the last Austin Gipsy to be produced; English records show that it was destined for the Austrian market and then arrived in Italy in 1975, bought by the current owner and has remained his ever since. Although the car has not been used for many years, it is in an excellent state of preservation, the rust is only superficial and perhaps thanks to an unusual paint job (almost 7 millimetres thick between primer/ plaster and paint) it is perfectly preserved. The engine runs perfectly there are videos available on request, the car is totally to be restored as hydraulic parts such as clutch, braking system and all parts concerning the brakes. The car is located in the province of Milan ready for easy restoration. for info the details below Austin Gipsy, when British Leyland acquired all major brands of cars, both Land Rover and Austin Gipsy were in production and given the cost of production they decided to keep Land Rover and stopped producing the Gipsy. This is the last Austin Gipsy produced, from the English registers it is destined to the Austrian market and then arrived in Italy in 1975 bought by the current owner and has always been his. This car is still in excellent conservation conditions, the rust present is only superficial and perhaps due to an unusual paint (almost 7 mm thick between bottom/ putty and paint) has been perfectly preserved. The motor runs perfectly there are videos available on request, the machine is totally from restored as hydraulic parts type: clutch, brake system and all the part concerning the brakes. The machine is located in the province of Milan ready for an easy restoration.