This is a most beautiful bike and is ULEZ compliant! I bought it 2 years ago with the intention of keeping it. Unfortunately due to health reasons I’m no longer able to ride it as much as I’d like. The bike is pretty much spotless and over the past 2 years I’ve had everything done. It’s had a new alternator and regulator, valve shims checked, fully refurbished brakes including having the superior Nisan callipers fitted on the front, new Bridgestone tyres. The chains and sprockets are as new. The bike is Officially ULEZ compliant, having gone through the TfL ULEZ test (costing £175).
The previous owner to me had kitted the bike out for touring and had an AMB straight bar conversion fitted which makes riding longer distances much more comfortable. I have the original standard bars which can be fitted back if required. The bike is the unrestricted early model and is very powerful. It’s just been MOTed. I also have a rear rack and luggage box (see photos). The bike runs beautifully. I bought the bike due to its good condition and low mileage and that it had the ABM straight bar kit fitted.
I’ve owned two of these bikes in the past and love them.