Saturday June 13 2015 sees the return of The BGS Classic and Custom Show! Our friendly informal event takes place during the Bexley Grammar School Summer Fair so there are lots of refreshments, stalls to browse and activities for the whole family to enjoy.
Awards for; best classic car, best custom car, best classic motorcycle and best
custom motorcycle.
Tarmac showground
£1 entry per car (further voluntary donations welcome!)
All kinds of pre-mid 70's vehicle welcome to our friendly school fund-raising event.
Contact Mr T O’Regan if you have any queries. 020 8304 8538 Ext 322
[email protected]
We strongly advise exhibitors arrive between 9.00am and 11.00am. Show ends
2.30 – 3.00
Bexley Grammar School,Danson Lane,
Welling, Kent, DA16 2BL