Suzukiclubuk is an Internet based club ran by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. Mainly directed at Suzuki SJ410, SJ413, Samurai and Santana models but all Suzuki models and other makes are welcome, we have sections in the forum for all, we are sure you will feel at home, our members are a friendly bunch and always willing to help!
So why not join our forum absolutely free and have a browse, we have all the info you could ever need about your sj and if there is anything you can't find then just ask! If you don't need any advice just pop into the bar for a chat or post up some pics in the gallery of your recent wheeling adventures!
You can also browse through the DIY page or our Forum stickies that are constantly being updated with info and mods for your sj, some for your hardcore offroader and others are just to make your sj that little bit more comfortable as a daily drive.