Club members meet on the first Thursday of each month at the Taverham Recreational Facility, Beech Lane, Taverham, Norwich and also attend many car shows and informal get-togethers.
Once a year, in June, the Club organises a large classic show at Strumpshaw Steam Museum near Norwich which attracts hundreds of classic cars, vans, American cars, bikes with their owners. The event is open to the public and members of other clubs with craft stalls, autojumble and attractions for the whole family.
A free monthly newsletter details events news and information. The club website contains similar information and there is a dedicated members area with pictures and notes about their cars.
There are various organised trips and outings throughout the year.
Windscreen stickers and club fleeces are available to all members.On joining members are given a yellow board with their car and membership details on it to position in front of their car to help identify them and their vehicle at meets and shows. Members can often help each other with many having specialised knowledge or skill in car restoration and repair they are willing to share and advice is always freely given to anyone who asks,many friendships have been formed at the club which always tries to encourage a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
The club caters for the owners of all classic vehicles,all ages,all makes,all models. All owners of classic cars or bikes are welcome