The Specialist Club for pre 56 MGs
Thank you for your interest in the MG OCTAGON CAR CLUB,
If you own a pre 56 M.G. or are just interested in pre 56 M.G.s then perhaps this is the club for you.
The Club was established in 1969 when a small group of enthusiasts in the Stafford and Stoke areas of England began to meet and cater for pre 56 MG.s in an effort to maintain and preserve the cars for which Abingdon was traditionally renowned.
The objects of the Club were to promote social and sporting meetings for the benefit of members, provide members with information, advice and assistance and generally further the interest in the preservation and renovation of MG. cars built prior to 1956.
The membership of the club grew quickly, and sub-groups formed throughout the World to organise local meetings for members. In April 1972 the Club achieved R.A.C. recognition, and became the only R.A.C. affiliated Club in the U.K. catering solely for pre 56 M.G.s. The Club is also affiliated to the Association of Classic Trials Clubs.
An important aspect of the Club is provision of a wide range of parts.
The Club is run by enthusiasts for the benefit of the membership
Our monthly magazine, the Bulletin is sent free to all members each month, containing a wide range of feature articles, technical tips, photographs etc. This publication is at the heart of the Club and the common link (apart from their cars) between members.
Regular events are organised throughout the year.
The club participates in major classic car shows throughout the year.