British Salmson Owners Club Logo

British Salmson Owners Club

British Salmson cars & Aero Engines
8 Bartestree Close, Matchborough East, Redditch, B98 0AZ

The Web site informs about a small and technically very interesting car maker, the British Salmson Aero Engines (B.S.A.E.) Ltd. and its products: the British Salmson cars.

About 20% of the British Salmsons made still exist, nearly all in the caring hands of the 50 or so members of the British Salmson Owners’ Club. The high survival rate of the cars is due in good measure to the foresight of the founder members who formed the Club in 1952 – just in time to stem the worst ravages of the fifties.
Membership of the Club is open to all, whether you own a British Salmson, or would like to, or are just interested in them. Owners of French Salmsons of the period are also welcomed.

The main object of the Club is to foster enthusiasm for the cars and to offer all possible support to those engaged in restoring and running them. We have a quarterly Newsletter, an annual weekend rally which includes the A.G.M. and occasional meetings. These are backed up by a good spares service. Excellent reproductions of contemporary sales and technical material are available as well as ephemera such as badges, T-shirts etc.

With so few British Salmson Cars having been made, the Club is inevitably small so when you become a Member you are, in effect, joining a family with all the mutual self-help that this brings.

Your application for membership will be welcomed.