PART TOUTES DISTANCES - CONTROLE TECHNIQUE VALABLE JUSÀ AU 13/ 11/ 2029 VEHICLE BIEN ENTRETENU - d'ort dans un box de garage. NOTE THAT I ACCEPT ALSO AN EXCHANGE: Against a Good Collection of Miniature Cars or Advertising Objects, or STOCK OF BEAUTIFUL BROCANTE - to see a part in objects and a part in payment, I run this car every week - sometimes 5 km, sometimes 100 km, see 200 km. ...!
Collector's registration in my name. Original papers (including FFI conformity) 6 CYLINDER ENGINE General Motors - 12 L / 100 on the road - No oil consumption - Turns like a watch and accelerates and cruises well. - 3 speed gearbox on the steering wheel - gears shift well - Good 75 Amp battery - Good tyres (the white sidewalls have been added - not Belgom) - Some finishing touches required: petrol gauge - gear cable - front chrome - 1 weak front shock absorber The dark blue paintwork is recent (1 year old) - the light blue is an older, less shiny paintwork. Original interior in its original condition, complete and very clean No rust (the inspection only indicates "minor" superficial rust) Logical for its age.