We offer for sale a 1972 MGB Spider, currently under restoration. The body has been tin-plated and is now ready for painting and refitting. The car was originally painted orange, but can be painted any other shade on request. It has a new black interior, left-hand drive and a rebuilt 1800cc engine. The gearbox has already been overhauled. It also comes with documents and CRS.
This MGB Spider is sold either in its current state or after completed restoration. The selling price will be agreed with the future owner. Viewing recommended. We will transport to destination on request. For further information please contact us via: - Email: using the button below - WhatsApp: 335 82 62 808 (Olivotto Gastone) We kindly ask you to specify your phone number in email requests, thank you. ENG We offer for sale a 1972 MGB Spider, currently undergoing restoration.
The body has been sheet metal worked and is now ready for painting and reassembly. The car was originally orange, but upon request, it can be painted in any other colour.
It features new black interiors, left-hand drive, and a fully rebuilt 1800cc engine. The gearbox has already been overhauled. Additionally, it comes with documents and a CRS.
This MGB Spider is available for sale either in its current condition or fully restored. The selling price will be agreed upon with the future owner. Inspections are encouraged. On request, we can deliver to European destinations or to the UK. For further information, please contact us at: - Email: using the button below - WhatsApp: 335 82 62 808 (Olivotto Gastone) We kindly ask you to specify your telephone number in your email requests, thank you.