>> RARE: IN CARTE GRISE COLLECTION MONACO ET FRANCE >> RESTORED FRAME AND UNDERRAILS, IMPECCABLE STRUCTURAL CONDITION RARE >> V8 6, 5L DIESEL IN 4-SPEED AUTOMATIC gearbox >> VEHICLE MAINTAINED, SUPERB AND DETAILLED ENGINE BODY >> RESTORED WINDOW >> "X DOORS" BLINDEES >> 4 SEATS >> Exterior colour: matt camouflage >> Interior colour: army green army green GENERAL MECHANICAL INFORMATION: - V8 6. 5L atmo 170HP - 4-speed automatic gearbox RATING (notes/ 10): - Bodywork - paint: 7/ 10 - Structure: 8/ 10 - Engine: 8/ 10 - Engine bay finish: 8/ 10 - Dashboard, interior panels, gauges, warning lights and sounds, radio (...) : 7/ 10 - Upholstery and carpets: 7/ 10 - Exhaust: 8/ 10 - General car behaviour: 8/ 10 - Engine behaviour: 8/ 10 - Transmission and braking: 10/ 10 - Tyres: 5/ 10 OTHER: - Rear-view camera / screen - 0 corrosion - 0 leaks - LED lights - Spare wheel - Rolls very well, very easy