Built in 1964 and first registered in 1965 in America.
In its most simple form, it is a 356 C with a period correct 1600 SC engine fitted (1964).
Imported to the UK in the 1980's, it went on to be prepared for historic rally's and as such is fitted with the following upgrades:
Oil cooler
Full-flow oil filter conversion
Long-range fuel tank
Sump guard
CIBIE spotlights
Close ratio 2nd & 3rd gears
Bucket seats
Fire extinguisher
It has been an entrant on the following rally's, just to give you an idea of what it could go onto do again:
2001 Rally of the Tests
2002 Rally of the Tests
2003 Rally of the Tests
2005 Winter Trial
2005 Rally of the Tests
2006 Classic Marathon
2007 Rally of the Tests
2008 Winter Trial
2010 Three Castles
2011 Three Castles
2012 Rally of the Tests
2013 Rally of the Tests
2014 Winter Challenge
2015 Rally of the Tests
2016 Winter Challenge
2022 Generations Rally
Prior to its current ownership, Tuthill had a thorough going through the car with an invoice present for just shy of £13k.
A few years later it changed hands to its current owner, and under his ownership has had it serviced by the likes of R. G. A Porsche, and most recently a thorough service with Rindt where they also replaced the following:
Distributor cap
Spark plugs
Fuel pump
Fuel hoses
Fluid service
Upon arriving with us for sale we have had the car inspected and as such have had some minor remedial work carried out. The cars underside has been striped and rust proofed, along with new exhaust gaskets. Cylinder compressions are all coming back between 130-150psi.
As always, if you would like to make an appointment to come and view, please don't hesitate to get in touch!