City Motors - Classic and Sports Cars since 1987 - Pianezza (TO) - Italy Visit our website for more information: - details above Buick "Albemarle" Drop Head Coupe by Carlton Carriage Company - 1933 English: Extremely rare car produced in very few examples by the well-known English coachbuilder Carlton Carriage Company with aluminium body, imported to Italy from the UK in the 1970s, in good condition, partially to be restored, Buick 8-cylinder engine, mechanics working, English documents Deutsch: Äußerst seltenes, in sehr wenigen Einheiten hergestelltes Auto des bekannten englischen Karosseriebauers Carlton Carriage Company mit Aluminiumkarosserie, in den 1970er Jahren aus Großbritannien nach Italien importiert, in gutem Zustand, teilweise zu restaurieren, Buick 8-Zylinder-Motor, laufende Mechanik, Englische Papiere Français: Voiture extrêmement rare produite en très peu d'exemplaires par le célèbre carrossier anglais Carlton Carriage Company avec carrosserie en aluminium, importée en Italie du Royaume-Uni dans les années 1970, en bon état, partiellement à restaurer, moteur Buick 8 Cyl, mécanique en marche, Papiers anglais Español: Extremely rare coche produced in very few examples by the well-known English Carlton Carriage Company with aluminium bodywork, imported to Italy from the UK in the 1970s, in good condition, partially to be restored, Buick 8 Cylinder engine, mecánica en marcha, papeles ingleses For any information, please contact us by email or by phone on +39 the details below or +39 the details below The vehicle data, documentation and mileage may contain errors and/ or inaccuracies.
Therefore, what is indicated has no contractual value but only informative value.