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Caraboat, a caravan and boat in one For Sale

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  • NL


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The caraboat was designed and made in Nottingham and was the invention of Tom Carr. He made them, for three years, at his small factory in Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts. The hull was designed by John Askham, a naval architect and the moulds were made by Bourne Plastics of Langer, with the first caraboat coming off the production line in 1971. The caraboat has an exceptionally sturdy fibreglass hull, with a chassis built inside away from the weather and the water, only the suspension units and brakes, are mounted on the outside of the hull. Caraboat is not a conventional caravan. At the back, it has a rear entrance door. At the front it has what can only be described as a French window, with the small well deck area with two small seats. Inside the cabin it has four full berths, a cooker with oven, a full sink and drainer, wardrobe and a toilet compartment all in a caravan / boat that is only 16 feet long."

"The fascination with this most unusual craft grows even more when it becomes a boat. Reverse the caraboat into the water, pull a pin out of the hitch and it folds up against the front, lock it in place. Add all the boating gear like fenders to protect the hull, the outboard motor, poles, lifebelt and mooring ropes. And now it's a self propelled boat
This caraboat is in a very fine condition. It comes from England and has all the features you want in a caravan and it floats!

Metropole Classic Cars B. V. | More photos on - details above | 400+ Classic cars, motors & trucks; 30. 000m2 Historical Automotive Experience.
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Location | Druten (NL) | 25 km from German border | Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Airport at 100 km

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1 Meubellaan, Druten, Druten, 6651 KV, Netherlands
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